Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Another Rainy Day

After watching one of Rickvanman's videos I decided to use a Zig CF8 unit on my conversion, nice and easy to fit and no connection to the alternator, something I was not happy about doing. The only drawback was the price, although not too expensive (about £125 at O'Learys). Then in another video recently I came across the Smartcom, and thought that would be a good alternative and the price was definitely right at about £15, I already had the charger and fuse box in the caravan I could make use of, and most important - no connection to the alternator.
I ordered the Smartcom, which arrived today (next day free delivery) and also another item came today via courier again next day free delivery. The Wolfcraft universal wood shaper, well unless you buy other attachments you don't get to shape any wood, I bought it (again recommended by Rickvanman in one of his videos) to cut grooves in the edge of the contiboard so that I could use the knock in edging that the cupboards etc are edged with in the caravan. A lot of items have, and will be cut down to fit so a groove is needed to be cut to carry the edges round the cut down bits. For about £25 it's not bad and definitely a lot cheaper than a router.

The bed base that I secured in the last post had to come out today, perhaps not well thought out, but I had to pick up the 4mm ply which I will be using for the roof and walls and really wanted them to lie flat in the van to make sure no edges or corners got damaged. I also picked up some lengths of 50x38, this is to be used, to strengthen the bed base and for other jobs as I go along, and they will also be used as props to hold the ply in place on the roof till it is all secured.

I had intended putting the 240v into the van today, but the weather was not in my favour, in fact it has been heavy rain most of the day. While I was collecting the plywood I had a look round the shop at the timber merchants and found they had spray glue at £4.75 a tin less than half the Homebase price, so got a can of that and some screws. So instead of doing the 240v I finished off the insulation over the cab and also the offside lower panels that I had been leaving till the 240v input and the water heater were in place, but I decided to sort the water heater out when I get to it as I really need to panel the bottom half were the bed base is going so that the electrical stuff can be installed.

The bottom panels insulated, I just left the one to do till the 240v input is in place. The piece is cut ready and will only take a minute to do when the input is in place, then the panel will be boarded and the bed base put back and strengthened then the consumer unit, charger, smartcom and fuse box can be put in their place, once this is done it will feel like I am getting somewhere at last.

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